
Get your copy of Eternal Kings!

Created by Rolando Issa

Welcome to Eternal Kings — the game that combines the strategy of chess with the diverse combos of a card game. You control your experience in the game: first by constructing your own unique deck of cards, then by using their abilities to destroy your opponent on the field of battle.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Instructional "How to Play" Video now up!
about 6 years ago – Sat, Dec 22, 2018 at 11:35:40 PM

Hey everyone,

I first off want to let everyone know how happy I am that everyone is starting to get their copies. I couldn't be any happier about this. This is many years of development coming to fruition, right at your doorstep. And you'll be the first to play it, create decks, try and break it, find nasty combos, and most importantly find what works for you and your play style. This is it ladies and gentlemen! I think you'll understand what I mean by this game being the real deal when it comes to a competitive level. So now it starts. With YOU. I seriously can't wait to see what kind of crazy decks you come up with! So let the games begin!!!

Instructional "How to Play" video:

Our "How to Play" video is now up on YouTube. We hope that by watching this video, you'll have a good grasp on how most of the mechanics function in Eternal Kings. Things like: how creatures move/attack, how to use abilities, the difference between Whitecast and Redcast, etc.

As people are starting to get their games, we thought this would be the perfect resource to learn how to play the right way. The rulebook is great of course, but it's sometimes easier to get a thorough explanation of things by watching a video. We give tons of examples of different scenarios as well. Here is the link:

Watch it. Share it. Tell your friends :)

I would also like to give a special thanks to one of our main developers, Chris "CJ" Caldwell, for doing such an outstanding job for his work in this video. It took us two whole days of shooting and too many coffees to get this recorded. But in the end, he killed it! Thank you so much for your perseverance CJ! I'm sure I speak for everyone when I say you did awesome! You can't leave us for Hollywood quite yet though. You have some Eternal Kings to play first!


Pics, pics, and more pics!

As many of you have started to get your games, you also have been posting pics to our Facebook and Instagram page. Some of you have been personally sending me text messages on my phone as well! And guess what.... I love it! So I thought I'd share with you all these pics.

Enjoy :)

Dakota Jenkens:


Cody Nevel:



Edwin Tactay:


Serkan Santa Stage:


Scott Tweedie:


Robert (Robertaco), Nickenigma & Rebecca Mamos:




Frank Zazanisii:


Jared Wells:


Taylor "Kohk'Su.." Jones:


Shawn McVicar:


Susan "The Oracle" Caldwell:


Ky Kenyon:


Jesse "You have green here and you have green there" Warren:


Clark "Gruuvie" Harper:


Matt Good:


Sir James "Amicus" Storm:


Chris "Slarjay" Caldwell:


Sentient Cow Games (Weller):


As you can see, I saved the best for last. Sentient Cow Games has a way of giving me (and now you guys) nightmares in my sleep. But hey, I'm sure this is payback for all the grotesque Mutants and Creations we added into the Eternal Kings storyline. We have a card called Lasso of Arms! So yah.. Touché Weller!

Well, if you've made it this far in the post, I applaud your dedication. Now all we have left is.... well, playing!

If you want to help, please post about your experiences. We would love to hear them! You can post on our Board Game Geek page here:

Eternal Kings BGG

Likes and comments help our visibility, so like and comment away :)

And have a very Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah everyone!!!!


- Rolo

Eternal Kings is shipping next week! and a MUST WATCH video :)
about 6 years ago – Sat, Dec 08, 2018 at 01:38:47 AM

Hey everyone,

Shipping Update:

I just wanted to let everyone know that your Eternal Kings board game will be shipping next week!

How To Play Video Update:

So I've been editing the "How To Play" video for a few weeks now, and I'm happy to say I'm almost finished. Just in time for you to watch when you get your games! But I think it's very important for you all to know how to use a specific card in the game. It's called Chilling Breath. As you might recognize him from the Gameplay Video, CJ Caldwell, one of our developers, does a fantastic job explaining exactly how to use it. If you want a heads up on the competition, this video is a must watch!


I hope you enjoyed the humor in this video! It took us 2 days to shoot, each day consisting of about 8 hours. Cj did a wonderful job in his explanation, as you will soon see. But sometimes, especially when you're tired and running on fumes, it's hard to get the words perfect. So what do you think. Did he ever nail the script?

Eternal Kings on Board Game Geek:

If you have not done so, I encourage you to SUBSCRIBE to Eternal Kings on Board Game Geek. If you have any comments, we have a FORUM for discussion. Ask away folks! Let's start some discussions. You can also thumbs up our images, which helps us become more visible on BGG. You can give us a "thumb" by clicking the green icon to the left of the image.


- Rolo

We're so close!
over 6 years ago – Tue, Oct 30, 2018 at 02:16:04 AM

Hey everyone!

As the title says, we're getting close! We currently have all the games on a boat and are expected to arrive at their destination on November 2nd. At that point, they'll take an extra week to arrive to the designated ports for Quartermaster Logistics (fulfillment company) to pick them up and start processing the orders. I'm hoping that they can be fulfilled by the end of November. They haven't promised me anything, but have assured me they will try their best. Cross your fingers everyone!

I will tell you one thing: I have learned so much through this experience. And I can honestly say I'm very happy with how everything turned out. The next step, once everyone gets their games, is to start spreading the word and building this community. Which makes me think of a funny story that happened in my life when I was a child:

The Photon Laser Tag Story:

When I was around 10 years old, my parents decided to get me a special gift on Christmas. That gift was absolutely amazing compared to the normal socks and sweaters that I would normally open up. Socks lol. The present was huge. I wondered all month what was under, well, more to the side of that tree. On Christmas day, I opened up a present containing PHOTON, the epic laser tag game!!! Here's a link of the commercial if you want to see for yourself:

I was jumping in joy! (I'm sure my sister is going to read this and laugh.) "Oh my goodness, I'm going to have so much fun!!" Or so I thought.... You see, there was just one problem with the Laser Tag equipment that they bought me. None of my friends had it! And they only bought me one! I tried to find anyone that had it, so we could play. But I never could. No one had PHOTON!

The moral of the story here is: in order for something like that to work, you need to be able to play it with others.

So how does this relate to Eternal Kings? Well, I designed this game to be played as a tournament game. All my years playing competitive games like Magic the Gathering taught me this: sure, you can have fun playing it at home with your friends, but the true beauty of a game like this is the competition. And what better way to compete and test your skills than to join a tournament!

So I'm asking YOU, the amazing backers that see the potential of Eternal Kings, to help spread the word. I can't do this without you guys. You're literally going to be the first ones to ever own this game. And I'm telling you. It's no joke. The industry just doesn't know about it yet. All the big guys will brush this off as just another chess variant but it's not. It's so much more than that! Chess is just the foundation. I can't wait for you to see :)

So let's not build a PHOTON community where we have no one to test our skills against. I'm going to do my best to spread the word, and I hope you all do the same.

Here is a link to pre-order Eternal Kings. You can help by sharing this to your friends:

Also, if anyone has any ideas or would like to get involved with the spread of this game in your region, please feel free to direct message me on Kickstarter. I'm open ears.

Together, we can make this happen. My dream, more than anything, is to watch the final match of a huge tournament. That game is going to be so good!

How To Play Video:

Do you guys remember CJ from the Gameplay Video? You know, the guy I let win? lol

Well, he's coming over on the 16th of November, and we're going to shoot the video. We'll have it ready just in time for you to learn how to play. Of course, there is a rulebook that comes with the game, but it's always nice to be able to learn how to play in detail watching a video. It just makes it easier that way.

Eternal Kings on BGG:

If you have not done so, I encourage you to SUBSCRIBE to Eternal Kings on Board Game Geek. If you have any comments, we have a FORUM for discussion. Ask away folks! Let's start some discussions. You can also thumbs up our images, which helps us become more visible on BGG. You can give us a "thumb" by clicking the green icon to the left of the image.

If you've made it this far in the read, thank you so much for your endless support. Together, we're going to make this happen!


- Rolo

New Proof & Shipping Dates
over 6 years ago – Sat, Sep 15, 2018 at 01:26:37 AM

Hey everyone!

In this update, I'd like to talk about important dates and to go over the second proof that came in.

Important Dates:

Our manufacturer LongPack Games has let me know that they will be finished with the manufacturing of Eternal Kings on September 20th. Shortly after, they will be sending the product to Quartermaster Logistics (by boat) for them to pack and send out everyone's games. We are now estimating a late November fulfillment.

Proof #2:

On our last update, I let everyone know that the first proof came in. Most everything looked good but there were some details that needed to be fixed. And now, the second proof came in, and I couldn't be more delighted. So much that I gave LongPack the green light and we are ready to go. I think you will all be more than happy with this first version of Eternal Kings! We're now so close.

I just wanted to share some photos from this final version. Please, in the comments, let me know what think.









Game Box:


Expansion: Survival


Expansion: Mercenaries


I'm going to start recording personal videos of myself showing you all how to play, in detail. I'll post these to our YouTube channel so that you all can start to become familiar with how to play.

If you have not done so, I encourage you to SUBSCRIBE to Eternal Kings on BoardGameGeek. If you have any comments, we have a forum for discussion. You can also thumbs up our images, which helps us become more visible on BGG. You can give us a "thumb" by clicking the green icon to the left of the image.

I don't know about you guys, but I'm ready to get this thing started. It's been too long in the making. I can't thank you all enough for helping make this game come alive. We're almost there.


- Rolo

Proofs came in!
over 6 years ago – Tue, Jul 31, 2018 at 01:45:41 AM

Hey everyone,

I received the proofs from LongPack earlier today and am thrilled to say everything looks great! And just in time for Gen Con! Here are some pics of Eternal Kings and its contents:









I'll be meeting with LongPack this week at Gen Con to go over any last notes that I have on the contents of the game. Overall, I'm pleased with how everything turned out with these proofs. If all goes well, which it looks like it should, we'll be shipping the game out in a few months! In the meantime, I'll continue to keep you updated with the entire process. Up until the game is at your front door!

Thanks everyone for being awesome. No really, if you're reading this right now, you're an absolutely awesome person!


- Rolo