Instructional "How to Play" Video now up!
about 6 years ago
– Sat, Dec 22, 2018 at 11:35:40 PM
Hey everyone,
I first off want to let everyone know how happy I am that everyone is starting to get their copies. I couldn't be any happier about this. This is many years of development coming to fruition, right at your doorstep. And you'll be the first to play it, create decks, try and break it, find nasty combos, and most importantly find what works for you and your play style. This is it ladies and gentlemen! I think you'll understand what I mean by this game being the real deal when it comes to a competitive level. So now it starts. With YOU. I seriously can't wait to see what kind of crazy decks you come up with! So let the games begin!!!
Instructional "How to Play" video:
Our "How to Play" video is now up on YouTube. We hope that by watching this video, you'll have a good grasp on how most of the mechanics function in Eternal Kings. Things like: how creatures move/attack, how to use abilities, the difference between Whitecast and Redcast, etc.
As people are starting to get their games, we thought this would be the perfect resource to learn how to play the right way. The rulebook is great of course, but it's sometimes easier to get a thorough explanation of things by watching a video. We give tons of examples of different scenarios as well. Here is the link:
Watch it. Share it. Tell your friends :)
I would also like to give a special thanks to one of our main developers, Chris "CJ" Caldwell, for doing such an outstanding job for his work in this video. It took us two whole days of shooting and too many coffees to get this recorded. But in the end, he killed it! Thank you so much for your perseverance CJ! I'm sure I speak for everyone when I say you did awesome! You can't leave us for Hollywood quite yet though. You have some Eternal Kings to play first!
Pics, pics, and more pics!
As many of you have started to get your games, you also have been posting pics to our Facebook and Instagram page. Some of you have been personally sending me text messages on my phone as well! And guess what.... I love it! So I thought I'd share with you all these pics.
Enjoy :)
Dakota Jenkens:
Cody Nevel:
Edwin Tactay:
Serkan Santa Stage:

Scott Tweedie:

Robert (Robertaco), Nickenigma & Rebecca Mamos:

Frank Zazanisii:
Jared Wells:
Taylor "Kohk'Su.." Jones:
Shawn McVicar:
Susan "The Oracle" Caldwell:
Ky Kenyon:

Jesse "You have green here and you have green there" Warren:
Clark "Gruuvie" Harper:

Matt Good:
Sir James "Amicus" Storm:
Chris "Slarjay" Caldwell:

Sentient Cow Games (Weller):
As you can see, I saved the best for last. Sentient Cow Games has a way of giving me (and now you guys) nightmares in my sleep. But hey, I'm sure this is payback for all the grotesque Mutants and Creations we added into the Eternal Kings storyline. We have a card called Lasso of Arms! So yah.. Touché Weller!
Well, if you've made it this far in the post, I applaud your dedication. Now all we have left is.... well, playing!
If you want to help, please post about your experiences. We would love to hear them! You can post on our Board Game Geek page here:
Likes and comments help our visibility, so like and comment away :)
And have a very Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah everyone!!!!